Imperial College London
University College London
UCL伦敦大学学院foundation申请费£125 ; pre-master申请费£75;硕士申请费一般是£90
The University of Edinburgh
MSc Accounting & Finance
MSc Banking & Risk
MSc Business Analytics
MSc Entrepreneurship & Innovation
MSc Finance
MSc Human Resource Management
MSc International Human Resource Management
MSc Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Marketing & Business Analysis
The University of Manchester
Manchester曼彻斯特大学需交申请费的专业新增一个专业:MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis,申请多个专业支付一份申请费即可。
MSc Accounting
MSc Accounting and Finance
MSc Business Analytics: Operational Research and Risk Analysis
MSc Finance
MSc International Business and Management
MSc Marketing
MSc Management
King‘s College London
KCL伦敦国王学院绝大多数授课型硕士专业需要缴纳申请费,不同专业有差异, 以官网为准。
给大家参考下,MSc Banking and Finance 2022年秋季入学的申请费
University of Warwick 华威大学
University of Bristol 布里斯托大学
Bristol布里斯托大学针对2022年入学的研究生课程申请已经开放,关于申请费,注意事项如下 图片
今年,申请School of Accounting and Finance,School of Economics,以及School of Management下设研究生课程的申请人将需要缴纳£60的申请费;
University of Glasgow 格拉斯哥大学
Glasgow格拉斯哥大学的Adam Smith Business School亚当斯密商学院授课型硕士专业,需要提交£25的申请费,递交MBA则需要£50的申请费。
University of Southampton 南安普顿大学
Southampton南安普顿大学所有的POSTGRADUTE TAUGHT项目(如MA, MSc)均收取£50申请费。
Durham University 杜伦大学
University of Birmingham 伯明翰大学
Birmingham 伯明翰大学以下专业需要缴纳£50申请费
College of Mechanical Engineering
MSc Advanced Mechanical Engineering (full time)
School of Biosciences
MSc Molecular Biotechnology (full time)
Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences
MSc and PGDip Clinical Oncology (full time only)
Institute of Applied Health Sciences
MPH: Masters in Public Health (full time)
Business School
MSc Human Resource Management (full time)
Human Resource Management with CIPD Pathways
MSc Money; Banking and Finance (full time)
Money; Banking and Finance with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc International Money and Banking (full time)
International Money and Banking with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc International Accounting and Finance (pathway 1) full time
International Accounting and Finance (pathways 2 and 3)
MSc Financial Economics (full time)
MSc Financial Management (full time)
MSc Financial Technology (full time)
MSc Investments (full time)
MSc Economics (full time)
Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc Development Economics (full time)
Development Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc Environmental and Natural Resource Economics (full time)
Environmental and Natural Resource Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc International Economics (full time)
International Economics with Integrated Pre-Masters
MSc International Business (full time)
International Business - 24 months
MSc Management (full time)
MSc Management: Entrepreneurship and Innovation (full time)
MSc Management: Operations (full time)
MSc Management: Organisational Leadership and Change (full time)
MSc Management: Strategy (full time)
MSc Marketing (full time)
MSc International Marketing (full time)
International Marketing 24m
MSc Marketing Communications (full time)
MSc Strategic Marketing and Consulting (full time)
University of Nottingham
Nottingham 诺丁汉大学硕士(除部分教育相关专业外)需要缴纳£40申请费。
Newcastle University纽卡斯尔大学
International Business Management
International Marketing
Arts, Business and Creativity
Management and Business Studies (research)
MSc Digital Business
MSc Digital Business(e-Marketing)
MSc E-Business (Info Systems)
MSc Global HRM
MSc Innov’n, Creativity & Entrepren‘ship
Finance and Economics (Research)
MSc Advanced Int Bus Manag
MSc Ops & Supply Chain Mgmt (Dual award)
MA Media & Journalism
MA Media & Public Relations
MA International Multimedia Journalism
MSc Banking & Finance
MSc International Economics and Finance
MSc Finance
MSc Quantitative Finance and Risk Management
MSc Accounting, Finance and Strategic Investment
MSc International Financial Analysis
MSc International Financial Analysis
MSc Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management
University of Bath 巴斯大学
Bath巴斯大学以下院校所设专业需要递交申请费,一般是£60,但MA Interpreting & Translating和MA Translation with Business Interpreting (Chinese)需要£50,而MBA需要£100申请费。
University of Liverpool 利物浦大学
Liverpool 利物浦大学管理学院、计算机学院需在申请前通过微信小程序预审理并缴纳£25申请费。